söndag 1 januari 2012

New Year's resolutions

I thought of one thing.. I have no New Year's resolutions. So why not give you any ? :) What thoughtful ! That´s me. ^_^ Ok, here we go. What I think people should think more about.. Besides stop being so disrespectful and such haters.

* Be polite to people you encounter. You never know what struggle they are going thru. Sometimes giving someone a smile can brighten their day.
- Yeah. Before you starting bashing @ people you should really take a minute to learn someting about that person.. Take a minute to learn to understand the other person. You have no idea what that person may go thru. Or just take care of your own social life.

* There are people that can make you cry happy tears and there are  people  that make you cry sad tears. And sometimes it's the same person.
- If you really love somebody... Be sure to make the other person cry more tears of happiness than more tears of sorrow..

* 'Why do you always cry ? Why do you give me reasons to ?
- Yeah.. Stop hurting each other. What´s the point ? Stop taking out your aggression on others.

* Too many people think inside the box.
- What happened to use your imagination ? Stop being so mechanical and just live.

* Love with you heart and mind. Not your words.
- Sometimes showing your affection can mean so much more then saying it.

* Stop saying "no offense" after something rude.. Are you stupid my friend ?
- Omg.. When, just whenever is it ok to say somthing  insulting  ? To make it up short after by saying "no offense". "Hey, you are fat. No offense." None taking... Stupid a-hole. "Always think before you speak". Have you ever heard that expression before ? Yeah. It has a meaning to it. Use it.

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